pelatihan direncanakan tanggal 17 Oktober 2015
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You can find the schedule and register for classes at The schedule is also available via RSS feed, with links on the training page.
EndNote Videos with Captions
What's New in Thomson Reuters EndNote X7
(Captions: English, 日本語, Türkçe)
EndNote X7 Overview
(Captions: English, 日本語)
Performing a Custom Install for a Volume License Copy of EndNote
(Captions: English, 日本語, Türkçe)
How To Use EndNote in 7 Minutes (Windows)
(Captions: English)
How To Use EndNote in 6 Minutes (Macintosh)
(Captions: English)
EndNote Sync: EndNote X7.1 or Later
(Captions: English)
Direct Export from the Web of Science
(Captions: English, 日本語)
Direct Export from PubMed
(Captions: English, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Direct Export from EBSCOhost Databases
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Direct Export Using Firefox
(Captions: English, 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Online Search
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Importing Text Files
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Importing Tab-Delimited Files
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Manual Data Entry
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
EndNote Groups
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Journal Names
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
Converting Files from Reference Manager to EndNote
(Captions: English)
Transferring References from Zotero to EndNote
(Captions: English, 日本語, Norske)
CWYW-Word 2007/2010: Adding Citations to a Word Document
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
CWYW-Word 2007/2010: Formatting the Bibliography
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, 日本語, 한국어, Türkçe)
CWYW-Word 2007/2010: Edit & Manage Citations
(Captions: English, 简体中文, Español, 日本語, Türkçe)
CWYW in Apple Pages
(Captions: English)
CWYW: Apache OpenOffice
(Captions: English, Español, 简体中文, 日本語, Türkçe)
Importing PDFs
(Captions: English, Español, Français, 日本語, Türkçe)
Collaborating on Word Documents Using EndNote Web
(Captions: English, 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Español, Türkçe)
EndNote iPad Videos
EndNoteSync, PDFs, and Groups
(Captions: English, 日本語)
The Browser and Downloads
(Captions: English)
EndNote Class Recordings
(No captions except where noted)
Building an EndNote for Windows Library (EndNote X7)
(Captions: None)
Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word (Windows, EndNote X7)
(Captions: None)
(This video shows EndNote X7 with Office 2013 and Windows 8)
(This video shows EndNote X7 with Office 2013 and Windows 8)
Building an EndNote for Macintosh Library (Macintosh, X7)
(Captions: None)
Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word (Macintosh, X7)
(Captions: None)
EndNote Online for Windows
(Captions: None)
EndNote Online for Macintosh
(Captions: None)
EndNote on the iPad: A Class Recording
(Captions: None)
The Importance of the Data Folder
(Captions: English, Español, Türkçe)
Formatting Rich Text (RTF) Documents
(Captions: None)
EndNote and Word Master Documents
(Captions: None)