19 December 2017

Publishing on Food Engineering Reviews

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Food Engineering Reviews merupakan salah satu Jurnal yang dikelola oleh Springer dan International Society of Food Engineering (salah satu bidang pada iufost). Memiliki impact factor 3.571 pada tahun 2016. Sesuai nama, jurnal ini khusus untuk paper review. Berikut adalah deskripsi jurnal tersebut:

Food Engineering Reviews publishes reviews covering all engineering aspects of today’s food scientific research and the food industry. Coverage concentrates on classic as well as modern novel food engineering topics, exploring such essential factors as the health, nutritional, and environmental aspects of food processing. The journal identifies and discusses trends that will drive the discipline over time. The scope of topics addressed is broad, encompassing Transport phenomena in food processing; Food process engineering; Physical properties of foods; Food nano-science and nano-engineering; Food equipment design; Food plant design; Modeling food processes; Microbial inactivation kinetics; Preservation technologies; Engineering aspects of food packaging; Shelf life, storage and distribution of foods; Instrumentation, control and automation in food processing; Food engineering, health and nutrition; Energy and economic consideration in food engineering; sustainability; and Food engineering education.

melakukan publikasi pada jurnal ini menggunakan portal online yang akan memudahkan proses publikasi.

Dengan portal ini segala komunikasi dari pengelola jurnal ke penulis terlaksana.
dari berbagai persyaratan, salah satu yang menarik adalah diperlukannya sebuah nomor ORCID, dimana dapat diperoleh di https://orcid.org/
Ini contohnya, ORCID saya:

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-2409-5449

proses publikasi cukup panjang. Berikut adalah catatannya
submit  6 Desember 2017
Mencari Editor 6-18 Desember
mengundang Editor 18 Desember
under review 22 December
karena hingga 15 February 2018 tidak ada update, maka pada 15 February kami mengirim surat pengingat kepada editor.

Dear Editor,
The authors would like to inquire about the status of our manuscript
entitled: "-----------------------------" (ms number ----------------). The paper was submitted on the 6th of December
2017 and still pending under review. Could you please inform us about the reviewing process?

tanggal 5 Maret 2018, Reviews Completed

taggal 17 Maret 2018, Major revision dengan deadline 11April 2018. Hasil review didapatkan dari dua orang reviewer.

Based on the advice received, I have decided that your manuscript might be reconsidered for publication, but only after major revisions are completed. When preparing your revised manuscript, you are asked to carefully consider the reviewers' comments (which are attached below) and to submit a list of responses to each of the comments. Your list of responses should be uploaded as a separate file in addition to your revised manuscript.
tanggal 10 April 2018 rebutal berhasil diselesaikan dan diungah ulang.
tanggal 10 April 2018 editor invited
tanggal 12 April 2018 Accepted
tanggal 20 April 2018 author proof
tanggal 25 April 2018 First Published

full text pdf
citation endnote


Vacuum frying of fruits enables frying at lower temperatures compared to atmospheric frying, thereby improving quality attributes of the fried product, such as oil content, texture, retention of nutrients, and color. Producing high-quality vacuum-fried fruit is a challenge, especially because of the high initial water content of fruits that requires long frying times. Factors influencing vacuum-fried fruit quality attributes are the type of equipment, pre-treatments, processing conditions, fruit type, and fruit matrix. Pre-treatments such as hot air, osmotic drying, blanching, freezing, impregnation, anti-browning agents, and hydrocolloid application strongly influence the final quality attributes of the products. The vacuum-frying processing parameters, namely frying time, temperature, and vacuum pressure, have to be adjusted to the fruit characteristics. Tropical fruits have different matrix properties, including physical and chemical, which changed during ripening and influenced vacuum-fried tropical fruit quality. This paper reviews the state of the art of vacuum frying of fruit with a specific focus on the effect of fruit type and matrix on the quality attributes of the fried product.

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12 December 2017

peneliti pria mendapatkan lebih banyak hibah dibandingkan wanita, benarkah?


pada sebuah artikel yang dialngsir oleh the Sydne Morning Herald, disebutkan oleh Jayce Carrano bahwa peneliti pria mendapatkan 8 buah hibah bergengsi, sedangkan wanita tidak sama sekali. pada penelitian terbaru ditemukan bahwa peneliti wanita adalah "ghost writer"pada aplikasi hibah dan memasukkannya di bawah nama rekan pria, disebutkan bahwa pemberian dana tersebut berlaku tidak adil pada wanita.

Professor Deb Verhoeven, seorang social science researcher di University of Technology, Sydney menyebutkan bahwa praktek tersebut jamak dilakukanm dan hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan pendanaan. Analisis yang dilakukan pada program pendanaan dari National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) ditemukan bahwa 89% dana diberikan pada tim dengan pemimpin pria selama 15 tahun terakhir, dan pada tahun 2017 mencapai 100 %.

Hibah program yang sebesar $100 juta dari $877 juta merupakan gold standard dari pendanaan NHMRC. hal ini menyebabkan tim yang telah melakukan penelitian sebelumnya akan mendapatkan keuntungan, dan tim tersebut didominasi oleh pria.

Bias gender pada pendaan ini telah diketahui dan dicoba untuk memberikan pendaan ekstra untuk wanita. dan hasilnya NHMRC telah membiayai 34 project yang dipimpin wanita, dan meningkatkan total menjadi 186 tim, akan tetapi tetap lebih rendah dibanding 364 yang diberikan kepada pria.

faktor yang lain adalah senioritas, dimana pria lebih mendominasi posisi tersebut. ditambah dengan kondisi dimana wanita lebih sukar untuk melakukan perjalanan ke luar negri dan melakukan kolaborasi.

hal ini jelas tidak menguntungkan. inovasi biasanya terjadi pada tim dengan latar belakang yang bervariasi. skema sinergi yang akan diterapkan mulai tahun 2020 dimana menekankan adanya variasi dalam tim dalam hal gender, bidang studi, dan pengalaman.

bagaimana dengan di Indonesia?

24 October 2017

Pengaruh variasi pemberian Snack bar ubi jalar kedelai hitam terhadap Kadar Superoksida Dismutase (SOD) darah

Background: Snack bar from sweet potatoes and black soybeans is low GI, fat and calorie snack which have antioxidant content, such as β-carotene, anthocyanin, isoflavone, and antioxidant activity, so can be an alternative snack for patients with DM type 2. Antioxidants intake can prevent the oxidative stress that lead micro- and macro-vascular complications in DM type 2. Antioxidant intake may preserve endogen antioxidant capacity, which is can be determined by analyzing SOD concentration. Objective : analyze effect variety of Snack bar from sweet potatoes and black soybeans consume to SOD concentration. Methods : experimental post-pretest research used 3 varieties of sweet potato’s color (red, yellow, and purple) interventions. SOD concentration was analyzed by colorimetric. Statistic data was analyzed by dependent t-test and One Way Anova. Results : No different between groups interventions Snack bar from purple, yellow or red sweet potatoes (p=0,122). Group with snack bar from purple sweet potatoes intervention has lowest SOD decreasing percentage among other intervention groups. Conclusion : Consume snack bar form purple sweet potatoes and black soybeans can preserve SOD concentration better than consume snack bar form yellow or red sweet potatoes and black soybeans
Keyword : Snack bar, sweet potato, black soybean, antioxidant, Superoxide Dismutase, SOD

Latar Belakang : Snack bar dari ubi jalar dan kedelai hitam mengandung Indeks Glikemik (IG) rendah dan makanan ringan yang mengandung antioksidan, seperti β-karoten, antosianin, isoflavon, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Snack bar tersebut dapat menjadi camilan alternatif untuk pasien dengan DM tipe 2. Asupan antioksidan dapat mencegah stres oksidatif yang menyebabkan komplikasi mikro dan makro-vaskular di DM tipe 2. Asupan antioksidan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas antioksidan endogen, yang dapat ditentukan dengan menganalisis konsentrasi Superoksida Dismutase (SOD). Tujuan : Menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi berbagai Snack bar dari ubi jalar dan kedelai hitam terhadap konsentrasi SOD. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental digunakan 3 jenis warna ubi jalar ini (merah, kuning, dan ungu) intervensi. Konsentrasi SOD dianalisis dengan kolorimetri. Data statistik dianalisis dengan bergantung t-test dan One Way Anova. Hasil : Tidak ada perbedaan antara kelompok yang diintervensi Snack bar dari ubi jalar ungu, kuning atau merah (p = 0.122). Kelompok dengan snack bar dari ubi jalar ungu intervensi mengalami persentase penurunan SOD terendah diantara kelompok intervensi lainnya. Simpulan : Mengkonsumsi makanan ringan berupa bar ungu ubi jalar dan kedelai hitam dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi SOD lebih baik daripada mengkonsumsi ubi jalar makanan ringan berupa bar kuning atau merah dan kedelai hitam
Keyword : Snack bar, ubi jalar, kedelai hitam, antioksidan, Superoxide Dismutase, SOD

Full Paper

bagaimana cara mensitasi paper ini:
Ayustaningwarno, F., & Sabuluntika, N. (2014). Pengaruh variasi pemberian Snack bar ubi jalar kedelai hitam terhadap Kadar Superoksida Dismutase (SOD) darah. Jurnal Gizi Indonesia, 3(1), 109-114.

14 September 2017

tulisan hilang pada merge cell table pada MS Word 2016 setelah update

pada tanggal 13 September 2017 saya mendapatkan update KB4011039. pada saya melakukan editing tulisan, saya menemukan bahwa pada saat saya melakukan penggabungan cell pada sebuah tabel yang berisi tulisan, tulisan tersebut akan hilang, dan cell tersebut tidak dapat diakses. ternyata masalah ini berasal dari update KB4011039.


solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan uninstalasi update yang bersangkutan

kemudian masalah teratasi

09 May 2017

mengubah format sitasi dari Mendeley ke Endnote

konsisten menggunakan suatu perangkat lunak dalam mengelola sitasi merupakan hal yang penting.  Library EndNote memang dapat diexport ke dalam library Mendeley begitu juga sebaliknya. Hanya saja apabila sudah digunakan di dalam sebuah dokumen sangat sukar untuk memasukkan sitasi di dalam dokumen yang dibuat dalam mendeley ke dalam format endnote. meskipun sukar tetapi ada caranya.
1. melakukan update library mendeley kosong dengan dokumen tadi, kemudian export library tersebut kedalam format endnote, lalu buka dengan endnote, dan secara manual ganti sitasi dengan endnote. kelemahan: double entry possibility pada endnote library
2. melakukan penggantian manual sitasi mendeley dengan endnote. lebih lama, tetapi lebih terkendali dan meminimalkan terjadinya double entry.

29 March 2017

Two PhD positions in food fermentation


Two PhD positions in food fermentation

Published on
March 23, 2017
Scientific fieldFood
RespondClick here to respond

We are looking for

We are looking for two PhD candidates to study novel dual species fermented dairy foods and formulas with enhanced functionality. The project is focused on optimal co-cultivation of a lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria for the production of fermented dairy products and ingredients. The two species each have specific functions in the fermentation process. A systems biology approach will be applied to steer, control and optimize the co-cultivation of selected strains in a dairy-based product. The aims are to characterize and optimize microbial interactions at physiological and molecular level and to understand the signals that trigger the microbial activities which contribute to desired health related properties of the final fermented product/ingredient.

The project is funded in the framework of the national Topsector program Agri & Food and will be carried out in close collaboration with a food company.

We ask

We are looking for candidates holding an MSc. degree in (food) biotechnology, microbiology or food technology and showing a strong interest in microbial physiology, microbial ecology and food fermentation. In addition, candidates with affinity for genome scale modeling approaches and skilled in the use of state-of-the-art genomics and molecular biology techniques to monitor relevant microbial activities are preferred. The candidates should be fluent in written and spoken English, enjoy working on the boundary between fundamental and applied science, and be able to communicate with both academic and industrial partners.

We offer

We offer you a temporary position for a period of 1.5 years with extension of 2.5 years after successful evaluation. Gross salary per month € 2191,- in the first year rising up to €2801,-  per month in the fourth year.
We not only offer a competitive salary but also good (study) leave and a pension of the ABP Pension Fund.

More information

For more information about this position, please contact prof. dr E.J. Smid, personal chair in Food Microbiology, telephone number +31 317482834
For more information about the contractual aspects, please contact R.H.J. van Meegen, HR-advisor, telephone number +31 317485466.
You can apply online at http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Jobs.htm until  28 April 2017

We are

The Laboratory of Food Microbiology at the Wageningen University studies both positive (fermentation) and negative aspects (spoilage pathogens) of micro-organisms in association with food and food products. The knowledge derived from our studies improves the safety and quality of food from primary production to consumption. The Laboratory of Food Microbiology is part of the Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group of Wageningen UR where fundamental and applied sciences complement each other. As an important international player, we carry out top-level research and work alongside authoritative partners within the international business world as well as the government on “Healthy food in a biobased society”. We have a crucial role in innovations within the market. Entrepreneurship and professionalism are what define us. In short, we are an interesting, international employer of stature.
Wageningen University & Research
Delivering a substantial contribution to the quality of life. That's our focus – each and every day. Within our domain, healthy food and living environment, we search for answers to issues affecting society – such as sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we don’t do this alone. Every day, 5000 people work on ‘the quality of life’, turning ideas into reality, on a global scale.
Could you be one of these people? We give you the space you need.
For further information about working at Wageningen University & Research, take a look at http://www.wur.nl/en/Jobs.htm
Acquisition regarding this vacancy is not appreciated.

17 February 2017

Ph.D. Position in Food Matrix and Disease Prevention

We are looking for an ambitious candidate to join our team as a Ph.D. student in food quality and design. The four-year Ph.D. research will involve the study of the effect of food matrix on the digestion, bioaccessibility and bioavailability of health-beneficial bioactive food components using simulated and cellular model system, and in humans.
The Ph.D. research will be conducted as a part of an ongoing collaborative research, in the School of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Ottawa. Canada (with Prof. Chibuike Udenigwe) and Food Quality & Design group at Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands (with Prof. Vincenzo Fogliano).
The successful candidate, will be registered in Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology, Nutrition and Health Science. Graduate School VLAG, Wageningen University and Research. The Netherlands, http://www.vlaggraduateschool.nl/en.htm.

We are looking for a candidate with:

  • An M.Sc. degree in natural sciences
  • Excellent academic record, research background and experience in biochemistry, chemistry, molecular sciences, nutrition and food science
  • Demonstrable skills in bioanalysis and molecular science, and eagerness to adopt new analytical technologies
  • Willingness to travel to conduct research in Canada and The Netherlands
  • Experience and a passion for multidisciplinary research
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

To be considered for the Ph.D. position. please send only the following documents combined in
one PDF: (i) a current CV with a list of scientific publications, (ii) a one-page statement of research interest also highlighting how you met the position requirements, and (iii) names, contact emails and phone numbers of three referees.
The deadline for application is March 3. 2017. Thereafter, we will follow up with only candidates that were selected for an interview
Please send your application by email to Prof. Chibuike Udenigive at cudenigw@uottawa.ca with the subject "Ph. D. Food Matrix and Disease Prevention".


03 February 2017

Daftar jurnal yang diragukan

beberapa tahun terkhir, ada sebuah daftar berisi publisher jurnal yang diragukan yang disusun oleh Jeffrey Beall,  seorang associate professor dan librarian di University of Colorado Denver. akan tetapi pada akhir tahun 2016, daftar tersebut menghilang tanpa sebab. berikut adalah dafatar yang dapat diselamatkan oleh https://sfoap.wordpress.com dan http://archive.is

16 January 2017

Creating File Indexing Report for Data management

during making a proper data management plan, you should easily find file related to your research. one document needed is the index report of the files in the folder. a free software can be used to do this. https://www.jam-software.com/treesize_free/

With this software, you can make a report on the files that exist in the folders. since this method is manually done, you should do it periodically