26 March 2021
Lab Safety
05 March 2021
CV WEB Ayustaningwarno
Fitriyono Ayustaningwarno
Bachelor of Food Technology
Master of Food Science
Nutrition Science Laboratory Head
Research Interest
Food Processing, Healthy Food Design
Project Leader
Karakterisasi, Aplikasi dan Peningkatan Kualitas Gula Merah Tebu Lokal untuk Penguatan UMKM Tangguh – Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro
Nutritional and Health Value of Tropical Fruits
During Vacuum Frying – PhD project Wageningen University – LPDP- grant number PRJ-201/LPDP/2015
Key Publications
Ayustaningwarno, F., Fogliano, V.,
Verkerk, R., & Dekker, M. (2021). Surface color distribution analysis by
computer vision compared to sensory testing: vacuum fried fruits as a case
study. Food Research International, 110230. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110230
Ayustaningwarno, F., Vitorino, J., Ginkel, E. v., Dekker, M., Fogliano, V., & Verkerk, R. (2020). Nutritional and Physicochemical Quality of Vacuum-Fried Mango Chips Is Affected by Ripening Stage, Frying Temperature, and Time. Frontiers in Nutrition, 7(95). doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2020.00095
Ayustaningwarno, F., Verkerk, R.,
Fogliano, V., & Dekker, M. (2020). The pivotal role of moisture content in
the kinetic modelling of the quality attributes of vacuum fried chips. Innovative
Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 59, 102251. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2019.102251
Ayustaningwarno, F., Dekker, M.,
Fogliano, V., & Verkerk, R. (2018). Effect of Vacuum Frying on Quality
Attributes of Fruits. Food Engineering Reviews, 10(3), 154–164. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12393-018-9178-x
Ayustaningwarno, F. (2014). Teknologi
Pangan Teori Praktis dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Ayustaningwarno, F., Retnaningrum,
G., Safitri, I., Rianti, C. R., Suhardinata, F., Mayasari, N., & Budiatmaja,
A. C. (2013). Buku Ajar Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. Semarang: UPT UNDIP
KUG234 Healthy
Food Production - Produksi Makanan Sehat
UNW00-007 Healthy
Food Entrepreneurship - Wirausaha Makanan Sehat
PDIG6203 Food
Chemistry Practical - Praktikum Kimia Pangan
DIG21239 Functional
Food - Pangan Fungsional
PDIG6202 Food
Chemistry - Kimia Pangan
UUW00006 Internet
of Things (IoT)
LDIG6009 Nutrition
Information System - Sistem Informasi Gizi
DIG21-242 Interprofesional
PDIG6103 Food
Properties Science - Ilmu Bahan Pangan
PDIG6104 Food
Properties Science Practical - Praktikum Ilmu Bahan Pangan
DIG21-244 Problem-based
Learning Food Service Management
DIG21217 Food
Science and Technology - Ilmu Teknologi Pangan
PDIG6101 General
Chemistry - Kimia Dasar
PDIG6102 General
Chemistry Practical - Praktikum Kimia Dasar
UNW00-006 English
- Bahasa Inggris
DIG21259 Food
Creation - Kreasi Pangan
Additional links